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Interface VertexViewerTeleportTool


  • VertexViewerTeleportTool



animationMs?: number

The duration of animations, in milliseconds. Defaults to 500.

animationsDisabled?: boolean

Indicates whether animations will be used when performing camera operations. Defaults to false.

controller?: WalkModeController
mode?: ViewerTeleportMode

The type of teleportation to perform when clicking.

teleport - the camera's position is moved to the location of the hit result constrained by the plane represented by the camera's current position and up vectors.

teleport-and-align - the camera's position, lookAt, and up vectors are updated to align to the plane represented by the hit result's position and normal.

teleport-toward - the camera's position is moved a fixed distance toward the location of the hit result constrained by the plane represented by the camera's current position and up vectors.

undefined - no teleportation will occur when clicking.

Defaults to undefined.

model?: WalkModeModel
viewer?: HTMLVertexViewerElement

The viewer that this component is bound to. This is automatically assigned if added to the light-dom of a parent viewer element.
