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Interface VertexViewerPinTool


  • VertexViewerPinTool



accentColor?: string | Color

The accent color for new pins. Setting this will override the accent template color, and will be used for any new pins created with this vertex-viewer-pin-tool. This styling applies to some background colors, etc

The mode of the pin tool

pinController?: PinController

The controller that is responsible for drawing pins and updating the model

pinModel?: PinModel

The model that contains the entities and outcomes from performing pin annotations

primaryColor?: string | Color

The primary color for new pins. Setting this will override the primary template color, and will be used for any new pins created with this vertex-viewer-pin-tool. This styling applies to pin anchors, and borders, etc.

The type of pin.

This property will automatically be set.

viewer?: HTMLVertexViewerElement

The viewer that this component is bound to. This is automatically assigned if added to the light-dom of a parent viewer element.