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Interface VertexViewerMeasurementDetails


  • VertexViewerMeasurementDetails



angleFormatter?: Formatter<number>

An optional formatter that can be used to format the display of an angle. The formatting function is passed a calculated angle in degrees and is expected to return a string.

angleUnits?: AngleUnitType

The unit of angle-based measurement.

areaFormatter?: Formatter<number>

An optional formatter that can be used to format the display of an area. The formatting function is passed a calculated area and is expected to return a string.

distanceFormatter?: Formatter<number>

An optional formatter that can be used to format the display of a distance. The formatting function is passed a calculated real-world distance and is expected to return a string.

distanceUnits?: DistanceUnitType

The unit of distance-based measurement.

fractionalDigits?: number

The number of fraction digits to display.

measurementModel?: MeasurementModel

The MeasurementModel that should be reflected in these details. If not specified, a new MeasurementModel will be created, which can then be used to update the display.

measurementOutcome?: MeasurementOutcome

The outcome to display. This property is automatically updated if a measurement model is provided.

measurementOverlays?: MeasurementOverlayManager

The manager that the component will use to present measurement overlays.

resultTypes?: ("minimum-distance" | "planar-angle" | "planar-distance" | "surface-area")[]

A set of result types to display. If undefined, then all results will be displayed.